The Sweet Lesson Behind Girl Scout Cookies
Every year, I tell myself I’m strong enough to resist—and every single year, I’m proven wrong. Let’s be honest, there’s probably no mindset hack or life technique strong enough to help us resist the power of Girl Scout Cookies. Yes, it’s that time of year again.
As I pulled up to the grocery store the other day, I saw the unmistakable table filled with those bright-colored boxes. We all have our favorites—mine are Caramel DeLites, Thin Mints, and Samoas. Every year, I say I don’t need any, but then a Girl Scout will flash a sheepish grin and ask, “Do you want to buy some Girl Scout cookies?” The answer is always yes.
But this time, something about the interaction stood out. The girl looked me directly in the eyes and asked with confidence. She wasn’t hiding behind her mom or letting her mom do the talking. Instead, her mom stood back and let her handle everything—the sale, the money, and the change. That was a breath of fresh air.
In recent years, I’ve been disappointed to see parents and guardians selling cookies for their daughters. I hate walking by a cookie stand where the Girl Scout sits quietly while the parent does all the work, as if the parent is competing for the badge.
Here’s the problem with that approach: it robs the girls of one of the most valuable lessons they can learn—how to face rejection. None of us like being rejected. I hate being told “no” when I’m doing outreach as a speaker. Rejection stings. But learning how to embrace rejection, maintain confidence, and turn a few noes into yeses is one of the defining traits of champions.
That’s why I love seeing young girls given the chance to own the process. Of course, we all want to help the next generation, but we have to ask ourselves: “Am I helping them because I want to win, or am I putting them in a position to grow?” True help means creating a guided opportunity for growth—not taking over the process.
As mentors, parents, or leaders, let’s make sure we don’t rob anyone of the chance to grow. Sometimes the best help we can give is stepping back and letting them figure it out.
And, yes, I did buy the cookies.
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