The Two Types of People: Are You Making it Happen or Making Excuses?
Understanding the Difference Between Getting Things Done and Complaining
We all face adversity. Life throws challenges at us that can test our resolve. And at our core, we're all essentially made up of the same "stuff." But through these challenges, I've come to realize there are two types of people in this world:
- Those who make it happen – despite the adversities, despite the storms, they find a way to push forward.
- Those who are "woe is me" people – they chase the storm just to stand in the rain and complain about how it’s always raining on their parade.
Why Some People Thrive and Others Crumble
I’ve found that people who succeed don’t necessarily avoid complaining, but they don’t make a career out of it. They face their issues head-on. And, I’ve learned over time, the energy you give out is the energy that comes back to you. Call it karma, the Law of Attraction, or whatever you like, but like-minded energies find each other.
Action Step 1: Ask Yourself, Which Type Am I?
Take a hard look at your habits. Are you someone who consistently finds ways to get it done, or do you frequently find yourself explaining why things didn’t work out? Acknowledge this, and remember that positivity breeds positivity. If you’re always walking around mad at life, guess what? People will steer clear of you, and you’ll only attract negativity in return. On the flip side, when you choose to smile, even in adversity, you’ll attract that same energy back into your life.
Observing the Endurance of Marathon Runners
When I run marathons, I love observing how different people react toward the end of the race. We’re all tired, we’re all in pain. But some people find a way to smile through the pain, while others grimace and want everyone to see how hard the race is on them. Imagine how much energy is wasted trying to broadcast your pain instead of pushing through it.
If you want to achieve, if you want to overcome, you have to master the art of enduring adversity without broadcasting every struggle to the world. Why? Because that’s when opportunities come your way. Imagine someone approaching you with an opportunity, but they decide against it because they see you sulking or carrying a negative demeanor.
Action Step 2: Be Mindful of Your Energy
You can’t always choose what happens to you, but you can control how you react. Your demeanor and attitude are your responsibility. Make sure that even in the worst times, you stay positive and open to the good that’s on the way.
Life Is a Stream of Consciousness
I often hear people dismiss old adages as clichés, but the reason they’re clichés is because they hold fundamental truths. Phrases like “birds of a feather flock together” and “if you play with pigs, you’ll end up stinking” exist for a reason.
The other day, I was shopping for cologne at Neiman Marcus. I didn’t spray anything on, but simply walking through the aisle filled with fragrances meant that when I left, I smelled like the scents around me. It’s the same with people: if you surround yourself with positive people, the remnants of those conversations and energy will linger with you. But if you hang around negativity, that will stick with you too.
Action Step 3: Choose Your Environment
You may not always be in positive environments, but when you know you’re about to be around negativity, prepare yourself. Wear your “mud gear” and stay true to who you are. Remember, just because you’re in the mud doesn’t mean you have to get dirty. Resist participating in negative conversations and protect your mindset.
A Simple Test: Evaluate Your Circle and Conversations
Want to know who you really are? Look at your recent texts or conversations. Go back through your messages and read what you’re saying. If those roles were reversed and someone else was saying those things, would you want to be friends with that person? Are you lifting people up, or are you dragging them down?
Action Step 4: Be Deliberate About Your Surroundings
It’s time to get intentional about who and what you surround yourself with. Guard your thoughts and be cautious about letting negativity infiltrate your mindset. When you are deliberate about staying positive and surrounding yourself with good energy, you’ll start to attract the right kind of opportunities and people into your life.
The Importance of Being a Doer
You have to decide if you’re going to be someone who finds a way to get things done, or someone who’s always looking for a reason why they can’t. The choice is yours, and the outcomes of your life reflect that choice.
Final Thought: Become a Positive Influence
If you’re conscious about the energy you put out and surround yourself with positivity, you’ll not only start to achieve your goals but also inspire others to do the same. The world doesn’t need more negativity. It needs more people willing to rise above adversity with a smile on their face and determination in their hearts.